Know The Rules!
The aim in netball is to score as many goals as possible and to stop the opposition to score. Only the Goal Shooter or Goal Attack can score goals.

A netball team consists of seven players per side and is divided into different positions. All players will have components of attack and defence in their position.

Goal Shooter (GS)
This position aims to find space to receive the ball from their teammates and shoot for goal. Rebounds for missed goals. The GS is only allowed in the goal third the goal circle.
Goal Attack (GA)
Attacking player who can receive the centre pass, feed into GS or has a shot for themselves. Rebounds for missed goals. The GA is only allowed in the centre and goal thirds of their court and the goal circle.
Wing Attack (WA)
Attacking player who can receive the centre pass, pass into the goal circle to the shooters. The WA is only allowed in the centre and goal thirds of their court (not including the goal circle).
Centre (C)
This position starts the game and is allowed anywhere on the court except the goal circles.
Wing Defence (WD)
Defensive player, attempting to intercept and block centre pass and stop the WA passing the ball to the shooters. The WD is only allowed in the centre and goal thirds of their court (excluding the goal circle).
Goal Defence (GD)
Defensive player, attempting to intercept and block centre pass, defends and attempts to prevent the GA entering the goal circle. Rebounds for missed goals. The GD is only allowed in the centre and goal thirds of their court and the goal circle.
Goal Keeper (GK)
Defensive player attempting to stop the GS from receiving the pass and shooting at goal. Rebounds for missed goals. The GK is only allowed in the goal third of their court and the goal circle.

Start of Play
At the point of the whistle being blown all players must be in their respective thirds. The defending Centre must be in the centre third and all others in their respective attacking/defensive thirds. Any players not in the correct area will be deemed to be offside when the whistle is blown.
All players must quickly get onside following the netball centre pass.
The Centre player in possession of the ball must hurry back to the centre circle and step straight inside.
Waiting for other players to get back onside is called 'delaying play' and will result with the Centre being cautioned.
A player is ‘offside’ with or without the ball if they go into a part of the court where they are not allowed, eg, WA into goal circle, or not ‘behind your line’ on Centre pass.
Infringement: Free pass to opposing team at the point where player crossed the line.
A player may not re-ground their landing foot whilst in possession of the ball.
The landing foot is deemed to be the first foot to make contact with the ground.
If a player already has one foot in contact with the ground when catching the ball this is their landing foot.
If the player lands simultaneously with both feet, then whichever foot is not moved is their landing foot.
A player may not drag or slide their landing foot, or hop on either foot.
Infringement: Free pass to the opposing team where the player caught the ball.
Of a player with the ball
The defending player must give the player with ball a distance of 0.9 meters (3 ft) to play the ball. This is judged as the distance between the landing foot of the player with the ball and the nearer foot of the defending player.
Infringement: Penalty pass or shot, taken from where the player that was contacted was standing.
Of a player without the ball
A player who is within 0.9 meters (3 ft) of an opponent, whether attacking or defending, may not raise your arms the arms away from the body so as to limit the possible movements of an opponent.
Infringement: Penalty pass or shot, taken from where the player that was contacted was standing.
No player may come into contact with an opponent either accidently or deliberately, in a way that interferes with the opposition players play. This is different to ‘contesting’ which is contact between players but does not interfere with the play and will be allowed.
Infringement: Penalty pass or shot, taken from where the player that was contacted was standing.
When a player who is deemed to have ‘possession’ and then does one of the following with the ball
Roll the ball to another player
Deliberately kick/punch the ball or deliberately throw at another player
Throw the ball whilst sitting, lying or kneeing on the ground
Lean on the goal post
Bounce, bat or throw the ball and regain possession (when no other player has touched the ball)
Infringement: Free pass to opposing team at the point where infringement took place.
Once gaining possession of a ball a player must release the ball within 3 seconds.
Infringement: Free pass to the opposing team where the player caught the ball.
The ball must be caught or touched by a player in each third of the court.
Infringement: Free pass to the opposing team by the transverse line in the third where the ball entered incorrectly.
Infringements In Netball
Free pass
When a rule is broken that does not directly affect another player eg footwork.
A free pass is set where the umpire indicates, and any player allowed in that area may take the pass.
No players are out of play.
If a free pass is set within a shooting circle to the attacking team a shot MAY NOT be taken.
Penalty pass or shot
When a rule is broken that directly affects another player eg contact
A penalty pass is set where the umpire indicates, and any player allowed in that area may take the pass.
The infringing player must stand next to the player taking the penalty and remain out of play until the pass has been taken.
If the penalty is set within a shooting circle to the attacking team then a shot may be attempted.
An umpire will play advantage if they have noticed an infringement has taken place but feel calling for a sanction will disadvantage the attacking team.
They will not blow their whistle but will call “advantage plus the infringement”.
Play does not stop for an advantage and is only played in that moment against that infringement.
Out of Court / Throw-in
When the ball has made contact outside the court area (if ball rebounds off the post this is NOT out of court).
The ball is thrown back into play at the point the ball left the court
The player taking the ‘throw-in’ should place a foot up to but not touching the line. You have 3 seconds to pass the ball.
You must wait till all players are back on court before you ‘step towards the line’